Resto du Coeur Wavre & Cisco
Une équipe de Cisco à la rescousse des Restos du Coeur de Wavre
Un bel envol solidaire
Association aidée: L'envol, asbl indépendante. Service d’accueil de jour pour des personnes handicapées mentales adultes, organisant des...
One Citizen Day by Spadel
As part of the “One Citizen Day” initiative, Spadel Belgium sent this year once again, on October 25th 2019, 51 energized colleagues to 6...
European Commission at Moeraske
A team of 11 volunteers from the European Commission went to Moeraske on october 15th 2019. The Moeraske, "little marsh" in Dutch, is a...
Solidarity on the beach
As part of their annual “Community Day”, taking place on june 21 2019, Celgene took the entire team of 26 thrilled colleagues to...
AGC Solidarity Days 2019
AGC Glass initiated their “Solidarity Days” in the week of june 4 to 6 2019. This annual initiative offered this year the possibility to... Citizen Week 2019, the official tourism and convention bureau of Brussels, initiated their first edition of the “Citizen Week”, between...